website design

a fantasy landscape with books as the ground introducing the image SEO topic

The Ultimate Guide to Image Alt Attributes and SEO

In our online age, the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” takes on new significance, in particular when...

Unlocking the Power of Content Management Systems: Why WordPress is a Game-Changer for Small Business Web Design

Unlocking the Power of Content Management Systems: Why WordPress is a Game-Changer for Small Business Web Design

It’s been over 25 years since a website became an important component to marketing a small business. During this time,...

darts in a dartboard to demonstrate keyword consistency

Understanding Keyword Consistency For Fun and Profit

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), there are many moving parts, from backlink building to content creation. However,...

A soccer player performing a header on a ball

Understanding Website Headers and Their Importance for SEO

When you dive into the world of website construction, you’ll quickly encounter something called “headers.” These might seem like a...

Google 3-Pack results for Strottner Designs Logo Design

The Google 3-Pack and Your Small Business

Back in July 2018, we wrote a blog post about the Google 3-Pack. At that time, mobile search was already...

A comparison demonstrating a recent Strottner Designs website redesign

Is It Time for a Website Redesign? 5 Signs Small Business Owners Should Look Out For

The first impression of a website is formed within seconds by a new user. As such, the importance of your...

Crafting a Cohesive Brand Identity: The Importance of Web Design for Small Business

One of the first, and most important challenges facing your new business involves establishing a strong brand identity. This act...

A scale weighing website design and search engine optimization

Balancing Act – Navigating the Tension Between Best SEO Practices and Website Design

When it comes to inbound and online marketing, where visibility is key to success, the tug-of-war between SEO (Search Engine...

Crafting Success: 10 Crucial Factors in Website Design for Businesses

We’ve said it often, business happens online, and a well-designed website is a cornerstone of a successful business strategy. Your...

Navigating the SEO Landscape in 2024: A Guide for Small Businesses

Navigating the SEO Landscape in 2024: A Guide for Small Businesses

A new year is upon us, and that means it’s time to inundate you with columns about how the digital...

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