Google Search Console

a cat reading a newspaper thinking about hreflang

We have written an article about Hreflang

We’re back with another SEO 101 topic for your edutainment pleasure, but we need you to indulge us a little....

computer with the word keywords highlighted

What are Keywords?

Welcome, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and those that have been following our series breaking down SEO into it’s smallest parts!...

A scale weighing website design and search engine optimization

Balancing Act – Navigating the Tension Between Best SEO Practices and Website Design

When it comes to inbound and online marketing, where visibility is key to success, the tug-of-war between SEO (Search Engine...

Crafting Success: 10 Crucial Factors in Website Design for Businesses

We’ve said it often, business happens online, and a well-designed website is a cornerstone of a successful business strategy. Your...