search engine marketing

a picture of a cannon to represent canonical tags

Understanding Canonical Tags: A Small Business SEO Lifesaver

A consistent theme in our SEO 101 series involves the fact that Search Engine Optimization continues to evolve, and practitioners...

a picture of an anchor highlighting the blog post about "anchor text"

The Magic of Anchor Text: Boosting Your SEO One Link at a Time

In the sprawling world of digital marketing, there’s a quiet hero that plays a pivotal role in your website’s visibility...

blocks with SEO icons

Unlocking the Power of SEO – Now with Math!

  In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, standing out can seem like an impossible task. But as we’ve said...

Google 3-Pack results for Strottner Designs Logo Design

The Google 3-Pack and Your Small Business

Back in July 2018, we wrote a blog post about the Google 3-Pack. At that time, mobile search was already...

A website showing Google Ads in search

Mastering Keyword Selection – Boosting Your Google Ads Performance

Google Ads is a formidable tool for small business owners looking to amplify their online presence. It’s also useful for...

Navigating the SEO Landscape in 2024: A Guide for Small Businesses

Navigating the SEO Landscape in 2024: A Guide for Small Businesses

A new year is upon us, and that means it’s time to inundate you with columns about how the digital...

The Importance of Mobile-First Indexing for a Competitive Website

In the ever-evolving landscape of online presence, staying competitive is more than a goal. It’s a necessity. One of the...

On-Page SEO: A Semi-Comprehensive Guide for the Casual Learner

If you’ve ever dabbled in the vast world of digital marketing, created a website of your own, or started your...

search engine marketing

The Power of SEM

What is SEM? Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is the technique for acquiring traffic, leads and new business from both...