At the end of last month we talked about how the best month of the year to start a business is September. Well, it’s now September, and because I procrastinated a bit, it has taken me this long to introduce #StartupSeptember. It’s amazing how easy that is to do, isn’t it? You’ve probably been doing that when it comes to starting your new business, the website you want to create, or the side hustle you hope will become a real hustle…that you own.
You already know about our promo for this month: buy an Enterprise Website Package, and get a Standard Identity at no charge. Don’t remember the details? Click on Grumpy Cat. It’s fine…he likes it.
We realized though, that this is not necessarily in the budget for everyone. So we wanted to bring back an old service.
The idea behind the B4 is simple. Just because someone is starting out with a dream, on an INCREDIBLY tight budget, does not mean that they should be priced out of working with a professional design firm. We will never be out of reach for an entrepreneur looking to get started.
The details are pretty straightforward:
Simple, clean, and inexpensive.
If you know the year that the Rubik’s Cube debuted, and the US Hockey team won in Lake Placid, you know the cost of the B4. Either way, you should contact us, I have more statistics…
Let’s get #StartupSeptember going, shall we? There is no better time to begin your dream than today.
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